Sadoway Labs Technology
Rare Earth Metals Production
The Challenge
Powering the future, risking the planet: the rare earth dilemma
Rare earth elements (REEs) are essential for technologies like wind turbines and electric vehicles, but their production is environmentally damaging. The supply chain for REEs is dominated by China, posing a significant risk for energy-critical applications. While the U.S. is a net exporter of REE concentrates, it imports over 95% of its processed REEs as of 2022, highlighting a reliance on foreign processing capabilities.
Space Overview
REEs unlock electrification - but not without cost
The global surge in electrification, driven by the demand for electric vehicles and renewable energy, relies heavily on rare earth elements (REEs). However, their production is environmentally damaging, and the supply chain is fraught with high risks due to heavy dependence on China. This presents a critical challenge for sustainable, secure, and scalable electrification.
Need for Innovation
Global electrification without environmental destruction
The need for a cost-competitive production route to pure rare earth elements (REEs) and alloys is critical to reducing environmental impact and dependence on foreign imports. Developing a process with minimal steps and high throughput would enable more sustainable domestic production, strengthening supply chain security and supporting the global push for electrification.
The SLF Solution
Cleaner chemistry, greener future with rare earth elements
The Sadoway Labs Foundation (SLF) is developing a high-temperature electrolysis process that eliminates the harmful chemistries and waste streams associated with traditional rare earth element (REE) production.
This innovative approach could significantly reduce environmental impact by removing most, if not all, of the leaching and solvent extraction steps, which currently generate around 240 kg of wastewater per ton of rare earth oxide (REO), as well as the calcining steps, which produce 8.5 kg of fluorine and 13 kg of dust per ton of REE.
Interested in learning more about our technologies? Contact us at info@sadowaylabs.org